Last night, we took Hayley and Brayden to Halloween in the Park @ Codorus State Park. It was a great time....the kids had a blast Trick-or-Treating in the campground. All the campsites were decorated for Halloween and there were a lot of original ideas out there...we went on a Hayride and saw the Loch Ness Monster of Lake Marburg {pretty scary stuff!!}. Both the kids got a lot of to do it all again tonight at my brother's house in East Berlin...we won't have to buy candy again until next Halloween!!!

Right before we went TOT...the picture is kindof blurry...sorry :(
Hand 'n hand with Daddy
getting some more LOOT!!
Mommy, her lady bug, and Handy Manny!!
1 comment:
Hey Melissa! I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Your kids look so cute! Hope you guys have a great day!! :)
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